If you and your family have been limiting your swim time to daylight hours only, you are all missing out on half the fun of owning a pool. Of course, no one wants to swim in a pitch dark pool. It's a bit scary, and possibly dangerous too. Who knows what may be lurking in the deep end? This is why Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights are one of the most popular fittings for swimming pools. Adding a white LED pool light or two (or ten!) will allow you to brighten up the night and have twice the fun in your pool.


Upgrading to LED pool lights is a fantastic idea. Remember, not all lights are created equal! LED pool lights changed the game, plain and simple. LEDs have no filament like a traditional bulb would, which means they are in effect tiny, light-throwing semiconductors. How do they work, then? To put it as plainly as possible, an electrical current passes through a microchip, which illuminates the LED. LED fittings simply work by plugging them directly into the power source. They have built-in heat sinks to keep them cool, while also enhancing their brightness and useful life. Long ago, wattage was the most important thing to look for when shopping for lighting. Increases in energy efficiency mean that wattage has become less important than how much light a bulb

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