Your backyard pool should be a little slice of paradise. This is only possible if your water is clear and clean, which requires a pool pump to keep it in this condition. Pool pumps are made from an electric motor and a wet end. Pool water must be circulated daily, and both these parts must be in working order to do so. The question is- which is the best?

Your 3 Options for Pool Pumps

Without a pool pump to circulate the water and a filter to eliminate toxins, your swimming pool would get stagnant, unhealthy, and dirty. We encourage you to take advantage of the low prices you'll find on our website. It's never been easier to find pool pumps that are high-quality and low-price. Which one is right for you? You have three main options. They are:

Inground Pumps

Some pools are constructed deep in the ground, while others are placed on top of the ground. The main differentiation between inground pool pumps and above-ground pool pumps is their size. This is due to the fact that an inground pool circulates greater volumes of water with higher flow rates. We have a variety of options for inground pool pumps for homeowners who have an inground pool.

Above Ground Pumps

Above-ground pumps need manual priming. They are installed below the water level and have “flooded suction.” This term means that gravity and atmospheric pressure feed the pump, without the need for a lot of vacuum pressure or suction pressure.

If you have an above-ground pool, you still need a pump but you don't need one that is quite as heavy-duty as someone with an inground pool. We have seven above-ground pool pump options, in a wide range of horsepower. The more horsepower, the more it circulates and cleans the water.

Water Feature Pumps

Many of Miami's best homes have pools that do more than just sit there. If your pool has a water feature, like a fountain or a waterfall, you need a special pump. Of course, we carry these pool pumps for water features! We have five options for you, including one that offers a variable speed so you can customize your water feature. If you're looking for the best pool pump to give you the best backyard in the neighborhood, this is it!

Miami's Best Pool Pumps are From MT Pool Distributor

The competition to have a fabulous pool for Miami homeowners is fierce. You want a pool pump that works well, one that will keep your pool waters fresh and clear for many years to come. MT Pool Distributors has many choices! Don't forget- we also have pool pumps accessories and parts if your pool pump needs some attention, including baskets, O-rings, gaskets, and more.